Sunday, June 14, 2009

We have a new Deck!

The series of undulating boardwalks on the Central Waterfront have a new addition -- the spectacular Simcoe WaveDeck that opened June 12, with representatives of Waterfront Toronto and three levels of government at the ribbon-cutting.
The first deck at the bottom of Spadina was completed last summer. A third deck is underway at Rees Street. These unique decks open up the areas at the water's edge, with benches for relaxation and structural curves that will build up leg muscles in those who climb on them. They are the brainchild of architects from West 8 in Rotterdam and du Toit Allsopp Hillier in Toronto.

We are now waiting for the much touted redesign of Queens Quay with wide sidewalks, bicycle lanes and street furniture. YQNA hopes construction will begin soon and take precedence over other Waterfront developments.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

But is it ART?

Edgy Art, Acrobats, lots of people, lots of fun. All at our doorstep. Could this be some of the reasons why we live here at the Waterfront?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Article in The Bulletin about excessive noise

'With summer at hand, members of the York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) are once again gearing up for their annual war against excessive noise...."(click link below to read more)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Illegal parking on Queens Quay

It is always disappointing for residents to see cars, taxis and buses illegally parked on our local streets and sidewalks. Don't give up. There is something we can do!

We suggest that everyone put the parking enforcement dispatcher number is his or her cell phone. Then, when an infraction is observed, a call to the dispatcher can be made immediately. We believe that if enough residents contact Parking Enforcement on a regular basis, the Enforcement Unit will make a greater effort to be on top of the problem. The number is 416-808-2222 ext 0. Ask to be connected to the parking enforcement dispatcher. The dispatcher will take the details of the infraction. The Enforcement Officer does respond to our phone calls and, in on-the-street conversations, has commented that he appreciates the community support. If you do not have a cell phone, please call as soon as possible from home.

The City of Toronto Police Parking Enforcement Unit maintains a website at At this website, the Unit provides some general information, a contact number and a clickable box with important information.

The clickable "Parking Enforcement" blue box in the top right corner contains two links of importance to us. The first link, "Top 10 ways to avoid receiving a parking ticket" leads to a printable document that contains information on enforcement rules and responses. This is worth printing because it explains the rules. A sample quote is: "Drivers leaving their vehicles in bus stops, no stopping zones, no standing zones, rush hour routes or parking illegally around schools, will not be warned. These vehicles will be ticketed and towed immediately."

The second link "Tour Bus on-street parking locations" leads to a printable map that shows where the bus parking is in the Harbourfront area.

Carry the map when you go for a walk. Use it to explain to the bus drivers where they should be parked. Not every bus will move because a resident has requested it, but some do. Taxis regularly park in the no standing zone in front of Queens Quay terminal. A polite request to move along is often enough to get them to clear out. Failing that, you can phone Parking Enforcement.

We often see vehicles displaying the disabled person sticker parking on our streets. Are they parking legally or illegally? The answer is at Of particular note is that these vehicles are NOT exempt if parking in a designated no standing or no stopping area. Also, they cannot park on the sidewalk.

Become familiar with the parking lots and garages in our area so that you can assist visitors in finding off-street parking. The parking garages on the north side of Queens Quay and to the east of the Westin are not too obvious to visitors.

Sound engineer reports on Harbourfront open stages

Don Rodbard of the King-Spadina Residents Association is an engineer who presented a very impressive report on sound problems that continue to bother residents near Harbourfront Centre’s open stages. A circular open stage next to Queens Quay is new this year, and the old Sirius Stage is still a basic platform that’s open in all directions. It is YQNA’s hope to persuade Harbourfront Centre to invest in these stages – as they invest in other projects – to contain the sound to the audiences around them. Don’s report is on this website

No Mega-Concerts for the Island this summer

The Island parks are cutting back on mega-concerts that rock the waterfront and attract huge crowds. Pam said that Wakestock, Virginfest and other rock concerts will move elsewhere. That makes the parks and ferries available all summer long as Toronto’s favourite recreational area. YQNA questions the use of public parks for commercial events, and we are concerned about unmanageable crowds as well as destruction of parks.

Cruise ship noise

A group effort, lead by Cathy Waiten of YQNA with Councillor McConnell, Councillor Adam Vaughan, members of Municipal Licencing and Standards (MLS), Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) and the Toronto Passenger Vessel Association is making great strides in making the Waterfront more livable and safe for millions of visitors. Noise and overcrowding are major concerns. As a result of several meetings, the tour boat operators are working effectively on controlling the noise from ‘party boats’.

Residents can find our noise complaint log on the home page and a Tour Boat Field Guide that identifies the large tour boats in the bay. If any excessive and continued noise bother residents, they must identify the vessel in the complaint form.

Pam McConnell special guest at our May meeting

City councillor Pam McConnell was special guest at a packed YQNA’s meeting in May in the Radisson Hotel. She gave us an update on the tall structures north of us: the Telus Building will open in July; Air Canada Centre will close this summer to complete expansions; Maple Leaf Plaza will follow shortly; Maple Leaf Square will be finished in 2010. The signage plans for this general area are still incomplete, but YQNA will keep an eye open for possible billboard applications during the summer.