It is always disappointing for residents to see cars, taxis and buses illegally parked on our local streets and sidewalks. Don't give up. There is something we can do!
We suggest that everyone put the parking enforcement dispatcher number is his or her cell phone. Then, when an infraction is observed, a call to the dispatcher can be made immediately. We believe that if enough residents contact Parking Enforcement on a regular basis, the Enforcement Unit will make a greater effort to be on top of the problem. The number is 416-808-2222 ext 0. Ask to be connected to the parking enforcement dispatcher. The dispatcher will take the details of the infraction. The Enforcement Officer does respond to our phone calls and, in on-the-street conversations, has commented that he appreciates the community support. If you do not have a cell phone, please call as soon as possible from home.
The City of Toronto Police Parking Enforcement Unit maintains a website at http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/parking/. At this website, the Unit provides some general information, a contact number and a clickable box with important information.
The clickable "Parking Enforcement" blue box in the top right corner contains two links of importance to us. The first link, "Top 10 ways to avoid receiving a parking ticket" leads to a printable document that contains information on enforcement rules and responses. This is worth printing because it explains the rules. A sample quote is: "Drivers leaving their vehicles in bus stops, no stopping zones, no standing zones, rush hour routes or parking illegally around schools, will not be warned. These vehicles will be ticketed and towed immediately."
The second link "Tour Bus on-street parking locations" leads to a printable map that shows where the bus parking is in the Harbourfront area.
Carry the map when you go for a walk. Use it to explain to the bus drivers where they should be parked. Not every bus will move because a resident has requested it, but some do. Taxis regularly park in the no standing zone in front of Queens Quay terminal. A polite request to move along is often enough to get them to clear out. Failing that, you can phone Parking Enforcement.
We often see vehicles displaying the disabled person sticker parking on our streets. Are they parking legally or illegally? The answer is at http://www.toronto.ca/transportation/parking/disabled_parking.htm. Of particular note is that these vehicles are NOT exempt if parking in a designated no standing or no stopping area. Also, they cannot park on the sidewalk.
Become familiar with the parking lots and garages in our area so that you can assist visitors in finding off-street parking. The parking garages on the north side of Queens Quay and to the east of the Westin are not too obvious to visitors.
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