Waterfront Toronto and Harbourfront Centre plan to replace the 212-spot surface parking lot — a 1.4 hectare area in the heart of the Harbourfront Centre site — with an underground parking garage.
This important new piece of parking infrastructure will open up this spectacular waterfront site for future public space including Canada Square, a beautiful waterfront square and a second urban square above the parking garage.
On March 2nd, Harbourfront Centre and Waterfront Toronto will be holding a public meeting to present plans and discuss key features of the York Quay Revitalization Project, Phase II including the underground parking garage, Canada Square and the planning of a future Cultural Retail Village.
Understanding the Project
Harbourfront Centre operates a 10 acre site along Toronto’s central waterfront which encompasses York and John Quays. In 2000, Harbourfront Centre developed a master plan for the revitalization of its site designed to reclaim underutilized spaces for recreational, cultural and commercial purposes and strengthen public access
to the water’s edge. The master plan also included a vision for Canada Square, an urban plaza at the water’s edge.
This project, now known as the York Quay Revitalization Project, has since evolved to include elements from the winning submission of Waterfront Toronto’s 2006 Central Waterfront Design Competition. In its submission, the design team, West 8 + DTAH envisioned a vibrant, mixed-use cultural village for the site including Canada
Square and another urban square bordering Queens Quay. World renowned landscape architectural Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Landscape Architects recently won the contract to design this Phase II work.
An overview of the project will be provided by Harbourfront Centre and Waterfront Toronto, and a presentation on some preliminary ideas for the parking garage and Canada Square will also be given by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Landscape Architects.
Public feedback will be solicited and members of the project team will be on hand to answer questions and share ideas.
Public Meeting Details:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West
York Quay Centre, ―Lakeside Terrace‖ Meeting Room
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Presentation and Discussion)
For more information:
Please visit www.waterfrontoronto.ca
or contact Andrea Kelemen at
416-214-1344 or akelemen@waterfrontoronto.ca
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